Enable Teams & Drive Business Performance

One of the keys to drive business performance is to enable teams. Traditionally, management was expected to know all the answers but thanks to ever increasing complexities of technologies and globalization the locus of control shifts to a more balanced approach where top-down meets bottom-up. As a result, today's leaders shift from being problem-solvers to enablers, thereby boosting team productivity and engagement.

The art is knowing when to lead, manage or coach. There are times when teams need clear direction to understand the bigger picture and seek leadership. There are times when teams need structures and processes to reach the business objective and seek management. Lastly, there are times when leaders look to their teams to provide the best path forward because they are the subject-matter experts - and this is where coaching comes into play.

Many of us learn through trial and error. Learning from our mistakes and replicating what works. Another way is through self-awareness. Keep reading for the leadership exercise at the end of this article to unlock the optimal potential from your team.

As a frame of reference, we will use Myles Downey’s "Lead, Manage, and Coach" model from his latest book, "The Enabling Manager: How to get the best out of your team" which will be released in October 2023. I had the privilege of learning about the model in "The Game of Teams" podcast hosted by Tara Nolan, MCC.

In this model, Myles clearly outlines when you should lead, manage and coach.

  • Lead: As a leader, your role is to provide clarity on the business objectives and help your team understand their part in achieving those objectives. By addressing the why, you clarify context, vision, and mission, and ensuring that everyone understand the bigger picture.

  • Manage: In the managerial aspect, your focus is on ensuring that each team member understands their specific role within the bigger picture. By addressing the what, you define goals, projects, tasks, standards, and other relevant aspects that contribute to the overall success of the team and the members within it.

  • Coach: Once teams understand why something is important and what there is to do, then you look to the team to explore how they could approach and excel in their assigned tasks. By empowering them to decide on their own strategies, you foster a sense of ownership and cultivate a bottom-up approach to empowerment.

To make this model work effectively, it is critical to foster trust and psychological safety. An open and inclusive culture, clear communication, transparency, feedback, and direct conversations contribute to strong relationships at all levels.

How often do you lead versus manage versus coach?

To determine your default setting, assess the different activities your team comes to you for guidance in the following leadership exercise.

  1. Track the types of activities your team comes to you over the course of a week and categorize them as lead, manage or coach.

  2. Notice if the categories are in balance or not. Could a more balanced or unbalanced approach enable your team to better drive business performance?

  3. Solicit feedback from your team on how they feel in the workplace regarding your relationship directly and amongst the team.

  4. Identify where you could further develop as a leader, manager, and coach and how you could further play to your strengths.

  5. Reflect on how you could leverage the people around you to supplement you to reach an ideal state to take your business to the next level.

Feel free to send me a direct message to share insights from this exercise with me. Join me in exploring this topic on a deeper level by reading "The Enabling Manager: How to get the best out of your team".


  1. Downey, M. (2023) The Enabling Manager: How to get the best from your team. London: LID.

  2. Nolan, T. (2023) 'The Enabling Manager How to Get the Best out of your Team with Myles Downey', The Game of Teams, Spotify AB [Podcast]. 1 June 2023. Available at https://open.spotify.com/episode/5l9AD0ZqF4jjmMgZB893iB (Accessed 6 September 2023).


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