The Power of Coaching
Without a doubt, coaching is more essential than ever. Education and experience can take you far but to thrive in leadership you need to believe in yourself.
You learn so much in business school and through work experience. You learn the strategic frameworks, financial models and management structures required to increase revenue and profit. You learn how to present to clients, teams and boards. You learn to make important decisions that cause ripple effects across industries and impact the welfare of people driving your business forward.
Many successful leaders in business reach senior positions because they are smart, capable and have the potential to excel in leadership and, in the space breath, many of the same successful leaders in business have serious doubts in their own powerful abilities.
I experience self-doubt. It is a common topic at meet ups with friends who graduated from top business schools. Successful leaders, mentors and sponsors all have their version of it. It keeps coming up in conversations with clients.
Self-doubt is universal and it’s immersive. It has the power to stop you in your track. Symptoms include not going for the dream job or promotion, failing to properly prepare for a big meeting, not taking yourself seriously, consistently being sick, and the list goes on and on. Often, we mask our self-doubt with the belief that we should “feel the fear and do it anyways” so we jump in the deep end but this is not sustainable.
Be mindful of the cost of self-doubt. Growing outside of your comfort zone without believing in yourself is time consuming and energy draining. You ruminate over past mistakes, experience anxiety about the next big conversation, feel like you do not belong or worry you will be found out as a fraud. It is just a matter of time before everyone realizes you are not smart enough, worthy enough, good enough, etc.
It takes a lot of time and energy, and it detracts you from thriving in leadership and all aspects of your life. Eventually you stop growing and reach a plateau because the fear, uncertainty and doubt become paralyzing.
Self-doubt and feelings of being stuck are the top reasons why business leaders seek out leadership coaching. It has nothing to do with your skills or knowledge (you are smart, capable and have a ton of potential) and has everything to do with the inner beliefs we all carry. It is up to you what you do with them.
We bridge the gap between business school and leadership. We are here to normalize self-doubt as a universal opportunity for growth. We champion leaders with big hearts, big missions and big goals to realize the limitless potential that is within.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a safe space for you to share what is holding you back from thriving in leadership and life. Sometimes it is a clear picture of a challenge and other times it is an intense feeling or pattern that keeps showing up and stopping you from the success you desire.
Clients benefit from confidential sessions where you can unload all of the topics that have been weighing you down. A coach is there to champion you on from an objective point of view. Unlike a manager or colleague, we carry no political agenda and remain detach from the outcome. It is time for you to dedicate to your own growth and unpack thoughts and feelings bottled up inside.
Many clients feel lighter after a coaching session. You feel seen and heard. You realize that the weight of everything you carry is normal and feel more empowered to lead from a place of authentic strength, steadfastness and abundance.
The Transformational Process
Clients often seek out our leadership programs because they would like more support in reaching their full potential. We champion you to become the leader you aspire to be through a signature transformational process:
Be Your Authentic Self: Our leadership programs begin with the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment. the focus of this phase is to uncover who you are today. The ELI Assessment helps you to understand your behavior on a normal day versus when you are stressed. It generates awareness about your limiting beliefs and patterns that may impair your leadership performance. We dive into topics like self-doubt and belief in oneself and abundant possibilities.
Engage Your Future Self: next we create your success formula. What are the things you need to add to your life to thrive and what topics need to be addressed that are draining your energy. With a stronger foundation of self-confidence, you manifest a courageous vision of yourself in leadership and start making conscious choices from your future self.
Become Your Empowered Self: in the final phase, you fine-tune leadership in flow within your team, company, industry and community. You create a safety net to catch you if you spiral. You develop resilience skills to keep growing even when you do not reach an expected outcome. We complete the leadership program in celebration and recognize each milestone of growth.
Upon completion of our leadership programs, clients feel more connected to their purpose, vision and community. You develop the awareness, skills and conscious choices to increase performance and bounce back faster when you falter. You face your fears and accept all parts of you. You leverage a powerful combination of holographic thinking to make critical decisions and cultivate abundant opportunities. You have a zest for leadership and life. You elevate to the leader you aspire to be.
Ready to take the leap? Book a discovery call today.