Expand Your Repertoire

How do you define leadership? It could be based on several factors (title, number of followers, expertise) and there are many definitions available. For the sake of simplicity, we will use the definition below.

According to McKinsey, “Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization.”

We all have the potential to be exceptional leaders. Leadership is not limited to titles or rank. The way in which you conduct yourself defines you as a leader rather than what is written on your email signature.

Beyond expanding our definition of leadership, let’s take a look at how behavior is shifting in leadership. You show up with more empathy, authenticity and vulnerability than ever before as you support your organization through a challenging business climate. Coupled with the hypergrowth of complexity, you rely on the expertise of the collective to guide the organization forward. Now more than ever, it is our responsibility as leaders to serve others to make a big impact.

What is the secret to exceptional leadership? 

Exceptional leaders adapt and grow. They know that the world does not stand still. Organizations and industries are fluid and there are more leadership roles on their horizon. Exceptional leaders expand their repertoire as they grow. 

One way to expand your repertoire is to become more mindful of your thoughts. Your mindset can limit or empower you. Become mindful of how you are in the workplace and how you respond to situations.

Ask yourself “how do I want to show up as a leader today?” and start a dialogue with yourself to become more conscious of how you choose to lead in this present moment. Start to notice when your actions align with your thoughts and when there is a gap between who you are and who you want to be.

It becomes evermore important as you transition from one role to the next or your company transitions from one growth phase to the next. Leaders who seek out growth are well positioned to thrive in new environments because they are more attuned with themselves and what is required in the ever evolving landscape.

The conversation of how you choose to show up as a leader can be even more powerful with a leadership coach. Book a discovery call to learn how I can support you to reach a deeper level of self awareness. Together we work on expanding your repertoire so you can serve others and drive more impact.


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