My first 90 days as an Entrepreneur
Over the holidays, I celebrated an important milestone, the completion of my first 90 days as an entrepreneur.
My journey may be insightful to some of you who have gone down this path before or those of you who aspire to become an entrepreneur one day too.
A few key takeaways from my first 90 days:
Family first always. A family member very close to me was diagnosed with cancer at the very beginning of my 90 days. It is her story to share and it is one of fierce strength, bravery, resilience and miracles. It put everything in perspective for me, yet again. I questioned my ability to make a big impact when I felt so much fear but - with a lot of support - I rededicated myself to my vision. I would feel remiss if I left out the darker parts of my story in this summary. For those of you on a similar journey, know you are not alone.
Mindset matters. I chose to redefine what success looked like for me. No longer was my focus on achieving OKRs, revenue or salary earnings. Instead I became laser focused on my plan and the very next deliverable I needed to complete in order to build a strong foundation for my business. I embraced the mantra “I am learning, I am growing, I am showing up.”
Managing energy. I had a strong desire to create my best work and to do that I chose to show up at my best. I quickly became more in tune with my own behavior to maximize my output: “when do I have more energy? How can I get into a flow state quickly?” Along these lines, I did a four day detox which gave me clarity and a brilliant reset of positivity in my life.
You will be tested. If you want something, the universe may test you to see how bad you are willing to work for it. Balancing launching a business as a mother of a toddler in peak cold season had its challenges. I quickly reviewed my own expectations and shuffled priorities to be the best mother and entrepreneur I could in such an intense time.
Facing the inner critic. As launch day approached, my inner critic’s voice was loud and clear. I battled thoughts of perfection and worthiness. Launching a business in a period of economic decline and in an appearingly saturated market is risky and challenging. I came to trust my intuition that my purpose is to inspire greatness and launched my business with a whole lot of heart.
Be authentic. Showing vulnerability and authenticity consistently is important. It is my unwavering commitment to you. I will be here championing, challenging and inspiring you to become the leader you aspire to be. You can count on it.
As I close this first chapter as a new entrepreneur, I am keen to hear your feedback. What are you interested in learning more about?
Please feel free to share your feedback by booking a discovery call or messaging me directly.